Friday, October 1, 2010

RACISM: The Invisible Man.

It's one of the most explosive topics around and one that people rarely greet with sincerity considering its a taboo to even utter the word ’racism’ in public. Everywhere you go, and everywhere you look, there is always somebody different and it’s no exceptional to Malaysians in general given the fact that it’s multicultural background. 

Imagine walking down the street and having people stare at you or call you names, or talk behind your back, just because your skin is a different colour, or your of a different religion.

We all seem to ask ourselves the same question over and over, why do people do this? 

But unfortunately racism is almost impossible to stop. There will always be egotistic people who consider their race to be better than that of other.
I’ve known other minorities who’ve been equally affected. They’ve wielded anger and violence as solutions. Others turned to depression. It can happen to anyone who doesn’t feel like they fit in. And sadly, it’s not just a burden for ethnic minorities, but any kind of social outcast.
Racism can lead to many things:-

    Racism can lead to such things as hate crimes.
     “A hate crime is a crime in which the defendant intentionally selects a victim, or in the case of a property crime, the property that is the object of a crime, because of the actual or perceived race, colour, religion, national origin

   There are many people that have lost their lives true out history because of racism gruesome example in our country would be 13th May tragedy which many fear of repetition at such.

Racism: Are We Better Off Colour Blind?

People who taunt others, in my opinion, are actually insecure about
themselves. It might be because they are uncomfortable with who they
are as a person, or how they look, but whatever the reason is, they
only put down others to build themselves up.

In conclusion, no matter what anyone says, we are all equal, regardless of where we came from or what we look like.

Racism is not only offensive to those who are it's victims; it ruins lives and hurtspeople emotionally, mentally, and physically. Racism is WRONG.

I would like to insert an Quotation regarding the heated argument of racism.

Have a thought on it;   
"The benefit of being sensitive to multiculturalism is an ability to put yourself in another person's shoes. When an effort is made to understand other cultures, then we can better understand ourselves."

Lets make a change, Its about time now. 
A new Malaysia, 1 MALAYSIA.


  1. Lets not be racist..
    a New way for a better living

  2. nur fatin adilin A134153

    i agree with you indira...
    this world will be a better place without racism..

  3. Lets No Judge anyone based on their skin colour nor their background...
    regardless who they are, at the end of the day were all are just plain humane beings.

    So lets not play God ..
